Tuesday, December 14, 2010

stocking stuffer suggestions

We spend these next few days hustling and bustling trying to get things organized for the big day.  The holidays can be an extremely stressful time, but if we just take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, we may find some time for peace and reflection.  Christ's birth is symbolic of new beginnings, or rebirths for many of us.  The Old Testament in the Bible is filled with stories about God prior to the birth of Christ, but the New Testament is just that - new.  God is forgiving in the New Testament and the messages are of hope and renewal.  If you are pondering the perfect present, I heartily suggest investing in this new Audio Bible entitled Truth and Life - The New Testament.  Numerous famous artists were involved providing their voices to the Scripture. The beauty of being able to listen to inspirational words of wisdom provides a means for us to comprehend the messages while driving, cooking, cleaning or just relaxing.  The audio bible can bring devotional practice to your life every day - anytime and anywhere.

For those who want a light-hearted adventure to escape to during the season, I strongly urge you to devour yourselves in this book through the words of the granddaughter of Santa.  It will bring laughter and tears and keeps the childlike spirit alive in each of us.  This is a must for all to read and pass along to those you love, for it refreshes the soul and rejuvenates the spirit.  Sometimes the holidays can trigger depression, but if we keep the faith and believe, we can overcome any obstacle this life presents to us.  The spirit of Santa is eternal.  Keep this as a momento of hope and love during the season. 

My sincere thanks to Donald J. Sliter and Donald C. Calarco for your strength and inspiration.  I am blessed to have known you and cherish our connection. xo